Blog #12 Code of Canon Law

CLASS SUMMARY:  For November & December, we studied Canon Law or what might be called the “legal system” of the Catholic Church.  We covered areas of Canon Law history, theological background for Law, obligations of the Christian faithful and the valid celebration and reception of the Sacraments.  A special emphasis was given to areas related to the Deacon Ministry.

DEACON ROLE:  Often, I am asked what exactly does a Deacon do?  Canon Law does outline many Deacon responsibilities. Specifically, a Deacon can perform Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, Prayer Blessings and proclaims the Gospel.  To help us perform all these validly, we discussed several potential Baptism and Marriage scenarios to help us grasp just how important it is to follow established procedures outlined in Canon Law.

ACOLYTE INSTALLATION: On November 12th, we were installed as Acolytes by Bishop McGovern.  Acolytes are ministers dedicated to service at the altar, assisting the Priest and Deacon in the celebration of the Liturgy.  Canon Law Para 1035 requires the Bishop to approve and install Acolytes.  Acolyte, along with Lector installation, that we received last year are required for Ordination to Permanent Deacon.

Tami and I at Cathedral of St Peter
Tami and I at Cathedral of St Peter, Belleville
Deacon Class of 2023 Group Photo with Bishop McGovern


Myself, Bishop McGovern, Dan Kimutis
Fellow Classmate Jay Fowler after Installation
Worship Aid for Acolyte Installation 

WHATS NEXT — In January, we will learn more about the Deacons role in Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals and Blessings.  The completion date for Deacon formation is set for next year, June 3, 2023.  For a complete list of classes and to check my progress toward completion click Here.  Thanks for checking out my post! Merry Christmas!!!🎅🎄🎁