Blog #11 Italy Journey

RECENT CLASS SUMMARY — In September and October, the topic for study was Moral Theology.  We referenced the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) for much of our class discussion.   The CCC is the compilation of Catholic Church teachings and is the go-to resource for teaching the Catholic Faith.  For centuries, Theologians guided by the Holy Spirit have been building on one another’s insights on scripture and tradition to develop the CCC.  An example in class that I found interesting was that early Christian theologians would often reference 3 things when determining moral theology questions, 1) Scripture, 2) Knowledge of that time period and 3) the lives of the Saints.  In October, I was fortunate enough to make a Pilgrimage to Italy again and visit the home of the most well-known Catholic Saint, Saint Francis of Assisi.

Assisi, Italy is the home of Saint Francis and images of him are everywhere in Assisi. Although he died 800 years ago, he continues to be looked to as a guide on moral issues.
Saint Francis Day is celebrated on 4 October and hundreds of Italian flags decorated Assisi to celebrate the Patron Saint of Italy.
My photo with Pope Francis😀: Outside the Basilica of Saint Francis are several light-hearted images of Pope Francis.  In this photo, Pope Francis is spray-painting the title of one his most recent teaching documents.
The Temple of Minerva is near the center of Assisi and was built by the Romans in the 1st century. Today, it is a Catholic Church and a reminder of cultural transformation. 
The sunsets in Assisi were amazing. I don’t think anybody can visit Assisi and not come away with a new spiritual awakening and hope for the future.

WHATS NEXT — In November, we will study Canon Law and will be installed by our Bishop as an Acolyte.  The completion date for Deacon formation is set for next year, June 3, 2023.  For a complete list of classes and to check my progress toward completion click Here.  Thanks for checking out my post!