Blog Post #10 Spreading the Word

RECENT CLASS SUMMARY — After a short summer break, we are back for our 5th and final year.  Earlier this month, we spent a full week at Saint Meinrad Seminary in Indiana.  It was a privilege to spend time in daily prayer with the Benedictine Monks that live at Saint Meinrad.  The topic for our class was sermon preparation and delivery.  To prepare for this class, we reviewed the book The Four Pages of the Sermon, by Paul Scott Wilson.  The book provided a four-part preaching formula: 1) trouble in the Bible, 2) trouble in the world, 3) God’s action in the Bible, and 4) God’s action in the world.  We had to create and deliver four sermons in a variety of settings to include Sunday Mass, Daily Mass, Saint Celebration and Funerals.  In addition, this book emphasized that preaching is similar to movie making, because you want to create meaningful and lasting images in the minds of the audience.

Deacon Class of 2023

5th YEAR SENIOR August is the beginning of our 5th and final year of Deacon formation.  A picture that helps me reflect on our previous 4 years is below.  Needless to say, I have gathered an impressive book collection for my expanding library. 😊

Books from Previous 4 Years of Classes

ITALY PILGRIMAGE — My Sister Renee and I will journey to Italy next month.  We will be visiting Orvieto and Assisi, Italy.  These destinations are where many Catholic Saints and religious pilgrims have gone to refresh their Soul.  We visited Italy last year and we are hooked!!!

Basilica of Saint Clare, Assisi, Italy

WHATS NEXT — In September, we will study Moral Theology.  The completion date for Deacon formation is set for next year, June 3, 2023.  For a complete list of classes and to check my progress toward completion click Here.  Thanks for checking out my post!