FEBRUARY CLASS — The course topic was Catechesis which is probably better described as teaching the Catholic Faith. The word Catcheses is of Greek origin and means to echo and repeat. Specifically, to echo the teachings of Jesus for the conversion of hearts and minds. Our instructor stressed that as Deacons, we will be teaching the Catholic Faith to diverse groups of people in a variety of situations. They will also want to see that what we teach is consistent with what we do. I thought it was interesting when our instructor said the worst thing to say while teaching is “Yes, I am Catholic, But…”. The “But” implies, that there is “personal” disagreement with the Church’s core teaching. As a teacher of the Catholic Faith, we must remain faithful to the Church teaching in what we say and do. And at the same time, we must be patient and compassionate with people who have objections and/or questions about the Faith.
PARADOX — The Oxford Dictionary defines paradox as: A seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which, when investigated, may prove to be well founded or true.
MY THOUGHTS — I was impressed by our instructor’s ability to address some difficult questions prevalent in our culture today and countered with an often paradoxical but well-founded catholic answer. So, I was further assured that answers to difficult questions are available and may just take time, study and pondering to fully discover the rich truth that is the Catholic faith.
NEXT POST — For March, our class instruction will explore the source and summit of our Faith, the Eucharist!!! The class will be conducted at the Benedictine Monastery of Saint Meinrad in Indiana. For a complete list of classes and to check of my progress toward completion click Here. Thanks for checking out my post!